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TitlePage Plus

As a Bookseller, why should I subscribe to TitlePage Plus?

  1. TitlePage Plus is a brand new subscription-based product. It provides complete packages that help booksellers to quickly and easily find local books and their availability; to source all titles and get quality metadata; and to offer products and services that attract and keep book consumers as customers.
  2. TitlePage Plus is the first, and only, point of access to local availability, as well as delivering all your metadata needs. It offers a one-stop supply chain solution for all physical and ebook titles.
  3. TitlePage Plus is about helping to deliver efficient and competitive alternatives to Amazon and other international competitors.
  4. TitlePage Plus allows expansion of the services you offer:
    • Be part of the 'consumer direct fulfilment' offering, deliver your customers the convenience of home delivery
    • Begin to explore ebooks with the integrated print and digital offering via Copia, an Australian Publishers Association (APA) strategic partner in TitlePage.

What is 'consumer direct fulfilment (CDF)'? What does it mean to me as a Retailer? Who is participating, how is it funded, and how do I get involved?

  1. CDF is a 'freight free' home delivery service that can be offered by a retailer, with supply being managed by the participating Publisher direct to consumer. The concept is in response to international consumer offerings and is jointly funded by bookseller and publisher through 'terms of trade' changes, for that CDF delivery. This service is available for all mainland Australia destinations, with individual publishers communicating changes to terms.
  2. For a retailer this means another service offering helping to keep customers in Australian stores.
  3. Publishers distributed by the following Distributors are included in the CDF program:

    Alliance Distribution Services
    Harper Collins
    Macmillan Distribution Services
    Random House Australia
    United Book Distributors (Pearson is not included)

  4. To access CDF, a retailer must be:
    • Subscribed to TitlePage Plus
    • Able to use either POS or TitlePage website to deliver appropriately completed orders

Note: Orders will be dispatched within 24 hours of receipt and be shipped with a delivery label that clearly identifies the bookshop through which the consumer placed the order. CDF orders will be invoiced to the bookseller as per normal stock orders but at a shorter discount. Publisher will advise these terms.

Who is involved in delivering the TitlePage Plus services?

TitlePage is managed under licence from the APA by stSoftware

Copia is a DMC Family company, based out of New York, which unites digital book content, community and commerce in a single software platform to deliver media across an array of computing, mobile, personal entertainment and eReading devices.

TitlePage Objectives include:

To be part of the TitlePage Plus community:

To contact TitlePage support for more information click here.

TitlePage Publishers

For a list of TitlePage Publishers
and Distributors, click here.

Founding Publishers